The way we use our vehicles, and collect the resources required to power them, is changing. As time goes on the way in which we produce and consume energy to power our transportation systems around the world is becoming more interlinked than ever before.
All day, every day, people are travelling forwards, backwards, around, about, up, down and across the roads that reach within and through different countries. They are the thoroughfares that connect busy bustling hubs to far spread quint villages. They stretch over many a landscape, winding up over steep mountainous passes to meandering through miles of dense forest.

For years roads have been used to move everything from silk to cattle, moving person and parcel from one place to another. Way back when we used horse and carriage to manoeuvre our way across the lands before us, then we moved to motorised vehicles, traditionally powered by petrol, and then evolving again to diesel as another driving force for our cars. Now we are experiencing yet another shift in the way we power our transportation and it’s looking very much like the best fuel available might well be electricity.
For some this is still a ridiculous futuristic endeavour that will never come to pass, but the reality is that the electric powered vehicle is here, and it’s staying around. We can already power them with the infrastructure that is in place and although it will need to get better as the uptake of EVs continues we are already in a very good position. It is how we generate the electricity needed, however, that is the real key to a green, sustainable, renewable transportation system.

No matter what side of the debated fence you sit on, what this transition in energy collection and distribution will mean for us as a globe and species is revolutionary. Of course, there are fears to whether this shift can be done at all, but these are being overcome as countries around the world are moving towards generating renewable electricity as their main source of power, something that is proving to be much better than the current alternatives. As for the roll out of these renewable technologies, if done properly alongside the rapidly increasing adoption rate of electric cars, it could spell out a truly amazing outcome for this small rock that we call home.
For the most part, this energy shift is already happening, but not quick enough. Slowly, but surely, lots of countries are transitioning from Coal, Nuclear, Oil and Gas to Solar, Wind and Hydro. The former few are quickly being seen as the planet polluters that they are and the later are consistently proving that they are extremely viable options for energy collection.
The main thing to focus on is how best to roll out the installation of these sustainable technologies so that they are as effective as possible. The aim should be focused on spreading our efforts across multiple means of generating green electricity and if done correctly this would put us in a fantastic position environmentally and economically. Take the metaphorical eggs and place them in different sustainable baskets.
Firstly, green alternatives are much better for our fragile environment as we wouldn’t be drilling into the ground or emitting hazardous fumes into the air, to put it simply. Secondly, they are much cheaper to run and maintain. Once in place, a fully renewable grid would cost a fraction of the price that traditional methods cost. Lastly, the means in which the power is gathered is, you’ve got it, renewable! The sun will carry on shinning, the wind will carry on blowing, the waves will carry on rolling. With the right intentions and motivations, Solar, Wind and Hydro energy collection would be able to offset, and should completely get rid of, other means of creating electricity and energy.

As with most revolutionary change though, the main force holding back the quick and effective transition are the governments that have the power to implement the switch. The role of government should be that they are working for the people’s best interest, so it should be high on the list of priorities considering the potential catastrophic trajectory we are currently on.
But still, for some reason, the pace at which the changes are occurring are slow at best, with most of the actual technologies being installed by the private sector to those that can afford them. So why the hold up?
We know the climate is changing. We know we are causing damage to our ecosystems, homes and health when we drill, dig and burn our way through resources that we don’t need to use in the same way as we have done. We know there is a problem and yet one of the obvious solutions to these long-term issues is being overlooked because of short-term monetary gain. While many people fight for radical transformation of the way we collect and use energy, some politicians and heads of big business are knowingly getting in the way of a much-needed transition, all for the sake of money.
Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that if the transition to fully renewable doesn’t happen quick enough, the money may not even matter. We are chipping away at the finite resources this planet has to offer and as time goes by Mother Nature is letting us know she is not happy about it.
With each passing year, as sure as the seasons irrationally change, the sea levels will rise, the droughts will become more prominent than they already are, the ice caps will carry on melting, forest fires will continue to rage, mass extinction of wildlife will prevail, global disruption will ensue, and we will quickly find ourselves past the point of no return. The only option left will be to adapt to a world that we would have regrettably created for ourselves.
Switching to green tech for generating and using energy is a realistic option to help mitigate the feared cataclysmic result of climate change and in turn we would have created a fully sustainable transportation and energy system that will carry generations into a far more optimistic future.
Sadly though, only time will tell, and I don’t think we’ll like what will be told if we don’t act soon enough.