Renewable Swimming Pool Heating
Renewable Pool Heating
Our renewable swimming pool heating systems, are sized to suit your pool, and your pool season length. They are designed to be able to provide all the pool heating you require, without the need for any additional supporting backup heating.
Our Solar thermal systems are perfect for outdoor pools. They can provide all the heat you need for a May to September pool season, plus the heat you require at any unseasonably sunny spell. All the heat you require greenly, free of charge, indefinitely, and with minimal maintenance and maximum reliability.
“Guilt free and cost free out-door pool heating”

A solar thermal system is the ideal renewable way to heat your pool, either as the complete or partial heating source.
Totally renewable swimming pool heating. Guaranteed to provide lots of guilt free and cost free indefinite pool heating.

Swimming Pool Heat Pumps
The Calorax heat pumps are specially designed for the purpose of renewable swimming pool heating. Heat Pumps are recognized as the most sustainable way to dynamically heat swimming pool water, due to the thermal mass and the low overall temperatures required. This can give operating efficiency in excess of 550%, and they are even more efficient when used in conjunction with a solar thermal system.

- Substantial savings over alternative pool heating systems.
- Minimal maintenance required.
- Designed especially for pool heating in the UK climate.
- Easy to control.
- Operation Range down to 10°C.
We design and install renewable swimming pool heating systems, for both indoor and outdoor domestic pools.